Dromis: HPC System-1
Dromis: A distributed memory system featuring 960 cores and total distributed memory of 10.7 TB. The compute nodes are connected with a high throughput low latency interconnect infiniband network. The computing system is connected though fiber-optic links to a mass storage system with a capacity of 14 TB.

Merope: A distributed memory system with 164 cores and a total of 596 GB memory. The computing system is connected to mass storage system with a capacity of 8TB.

Orion: A distributed memory system with 108 cores and a total memory of 432 GB.

Thetis: A shared memory system featuring 432 cores and a total of 576 GB of shared memory..

Central Mass Storage
Central Mass Storage: In addition to the live storage system that is connected via fiber optic links to the compute nodes of each HPC system, the HPC center offers a longer term central storage capacity of 48 TB.