Invited Lectures and Int. Conference Presentations
Number size distribution of particles dosed by MDI and DPI inhalers
Author: L. Ondráčková, J. Kozáková, J. Ondráček, V. Ždímal, L. Mašková and S.C. Kassinos
Publisher: Drug Delivery to the Lung 2018 (DDL2018), Edinburgh Scotland
Year: 2018
Comparison of Lagrangian and Eulerian modeling for predicting aerosol deposition in the human upper airways
Author: P.G. Koullapis, E.M.A. Frederix, S. C. Kassinos, B.J. Geurts, A. Kuczaj and M. Nordlund
Publisher: Presented at the special SimInhale-ERCOFTAC session of the European Aerosol Conference 2017 (EAC2017), Zurich, Switzerland
Year: 2017
The lock-on regime in the wake of a periodically perturbed flow of a viscoplastic fluid past a confined circular cylinder
Author: E. Klerides, N. Kanaris, F. Stylianou, S. C. Kassinos, A. Alexandrou
Publisher: Presented at the 8th International Meeting of the Hellenic Society of Rheology, July 12-14, 2017, Lemesos, Cyprus
Year: 2017
Numerical prediction of aerosol deposition in the upper human airways
Author: B. J. Guerts, E. Frederix, P. Koullapis, S. C. Kassinos
Publisher: Presented at the 23rd Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics, Seville, Spain
Year: 2017
In silico assessment of mouth-throat effects on regional deposition in the conducting human airways
Author: P. Koullapis, L. Nikolaou and S. C. Kassinos
Publisher: The 14th International Symposium on Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, Tel Aviv, Israel
Year: 2016
Particle-Laden Flow in Models of Asthmatic Airways
Author: P. Koullapis, S. C. Kassinos
Publisher: 9th International Conference on Multiphase Flow (ICMF 2016), Firenze, Italy
Year: 2016
Oscillatory flows past a circular cylinder
Author: A. Alexandrou and S. C. Kassinos
Publisher: VII European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2016), Crete, Greece
Year: 2016
Advanced CFD Studies of Aerosol Deposition in the Human Airways
Author: P.G. Koullapis, F. Stylianou and S. Kassinos
Publisher: Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) in Medicine & Biology II, Albufeira, Portugal
Year: 2015
Viscoplastic Flow: Transition to Turbulence
Author: A.N. Alexandrou, N. Kanaris, S. Kassinos
Publisher: Special Symposium in Honor of Prof. R. Tanner, Organized by the Hellenic Society of Rheology, Samos, Greece
Year: 2015
On the transition to turbulence in viscoplastic flow
Author: A. N. Alexandrou, N. Kanaris, A. Demou, S. Kassinos
Publisher: Viscoplastic Fluids from Theory to Applications VI, Banff, Canada
Year: 2015
Fully Turbulent Flow in a Physiologically Realistic Human Airway Bifurcation/Junction
Author: F. Stylianou and S. C. Kassinos
Publisher: The 9th International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena (TSFP9), Melbourne, Australia
Year: 2015
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Simulations of Aerosol Deposition in the Lungs
Author: P. Koullapis, S. C. Kassinos and Ching-Long Lin
Publisher: The 9th International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena (TSFP9), Melbourne, Australia
Year: 2015
Numerical Simulations of Turbulent Flow in an Eccentric Annulus
Author: N. Kanaris, X. Albets-Chico and S. C. Kassinos
Publisher: The 9th International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena (TSFP9), Melbourne, Australia
Year: 2015
Viscoplastic flow: transition to turbulence
Author: N. Kanaris, P. Stylianou, S. Kassinos, A. Alexandrou
Publisher: International Conference on Viscoplastic Fluids: From Theory to Application, IFPEN, Rueil-Malmaison, France
Year: 2015
Computation of the one-point turbulence structure tensors in fully-developed turbulent pipe flow
Author: F. Stylianou, S. Kassinos
Publisher: WCCM XI – ECCM V – ECFD VI, Barcelona, Spain
Year: 2014
Assessment of regional effects in pulmonary aerosol delivery using DNS/LES/RANS
Author: F. Stylianou, P. Koullapis and S.C. Kassinos
Publisher: APS-DFD14, San Francisco, United States
Year: 2014
A differential structure-based model based on stochastic evolution equations for the scalar turbulence parameters
Author: C. Panagiotou, S. Kassinos
Publisher: 6th European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics (ECFD VI), Barcelona, Spain
Year: 2014
Numerical implementation of a new consistent velocity approximation for variable-density flow and transport in porous media
Author: X. Albets-Chico and S. C. Kassinos
Publisher: 6th European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics (ECFD VI), Barcelona, Spain
Year: 2014
Computation of complex terrain turbulent flows using hybrid algebraic structure-based models (ASBM) and LES
Author: C. Panagiotou, S. Kassinos, D. Grigoriadis
Publisher: 13th EMS Annual Meeting & 11th European Conference on Applications of Meteorology (ECAM), Reading, United Kingdom
Year: 2013
A Numerical Investigation of Coaxial Jets with Complex Nozzle Geometries
Author: E. Tsioli, X. Albets-Chico and S. Kassinos
Publisher: ETMM-9, 9th International ERCOFTAC Symposium on Engineering Turbulence Modelling and Measurements, Thessaloniki, Greece
Year: 2012
LES of oscillating turbulent boundary layer over rippled bed
Author: D. G. E. Grigoriadis, A. Dimas, E. Balaras
Publisher: ETMM-9, 9th International ERCOFTAC Symposium on Engineering Turbulence Modelling and Measurements, Thessaloniki, Greece
Year: 2012
On the Dissipation Rate Coefficient in Homogeneous Isotropic Decaying and Forced Turbulence
Author: Akylas, E. Gravanis, M. M. Fyrillas, D. Rousson, S. C. Kassinos
Publisher: 7th International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena (TSFP7), Ottawa Convention Centre, Ottawa, Canada
Year: 2011
Computational Fluid Dynamics
Author: D. Grigoriadis
Publisher: Postgraduate Research seminar, Department of Physics, University of Athens, Greece
Year: 2010
How to Simulate Turbulent Flows
Author: D. Grigoriadis
Publisher: postgraduate research seminar, Department of Physics, University of Athens, Greece
Year: 2010
Coherent structures in turbulent flow over dunes
Author: D. G. E. Grigoriadis, A. Dimas, E. Balaras
Publisher: “POH-2008” National Conference on Fluid Mechanics, Univ. of Western Macedonia, Kozani, Greece
Year: 2008
Towards a structure-based model for the prediction of passive scalar transport in hydrodynamic and MHD turbulence sheared in fixed and rotating frames
Author: S. C. Kassinos
Publisher: 5th International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena, TU Munich, Germany
Year: 2007
Modeling turbulent particle transport in human bifurcating airways
Author: H. Radhakrishnan and S. C. Kassinos
Publisher: Annual Fall Meeting of the Biomedical Engineering Society, Los Angeles, USA
Year: 2007
Predictions of the turbulent flow over a 2D sudden expansion in a rotating frame with a new algebraic structure-based model
Author: C. A. Langer, S. C. Kassinos, and E. Akylas
Publisher: 11th European Turbulence Conference, Porto, Portugal
Year: 2007
High Performance Computing in Cyprus, Applications from Engineering
Author: S. C. Kassinos
Publisher: Presented at the “Strengthening Computational Science in Europe”, a workshop organized by the John von Neumann Institute for Computing, Julich, Germany
Year: 2006
Thermal conduction in magnetized turbulent gas
Author: J. Cho, A. Lazarian, A.Honein, B. Knaepen, S. C. Kassinos, P. Moin
Publisher: Whither Turbulence Prediction and Control, Seoul, Korea
Year: 2006
Representation of two-point velocity correlations in terms of structure tensors
Author: A. Bhattacharya, U. Godse, R.D. Moser, S. C. Kassinos
Publisher: 59th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Tampa Bay, Florida, USA
Year: 2006
LES of oscillating turbulent boundary layers over flat or wavy walls
Author: D. G. E. Grigoriadis, A. Dimas, E. Balaras
Publisher: “POH-2006” National Conference on Fluid Mechanics, Univ. of Patras, Greece
Year: 2006
Integrating Cyprus in the European Fusion Research
Author: S. C. Kassinos
Publisher: Integration meeting of new and recent partners in the EURATOM Fusion Programme Garching, Germany
Year: 2005
Large Eddy Simulations of space developing flows using inlet conditions
Author: D. G. E. Grigoriadis
Publisher: ERCOFTAC Workshop on Direct and Large-Eddy Simulation DLES-6, Poitiers, France.
Year: 2005
Large eddy simulations of equilibrium and separating boundary layers using inflow conditions
Author: D. G. E. Grigoriadis
Publisher: 4th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, HEFAT 2005, Cairo, Egypt
Year: 2005
Inter-comparison and validation of RANS and LES computational approaches for atmospheric dispersion around a cubic obstacle
Author: S. Andronopoulos, D.G.E. Grigoriadis, I. Mavroidis, R.F. Griffiths, J.G. Bartzis
Publisher: 10th International Conference on Harmonisation within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes, Sissi, Crete, Greece
Year: 2005
DNS and Structure-Based Modeling of Rotated Shear Flows – Implications for Accretion Disks?
Author: S. C. Kassinos
Publisher: Presented at “Frontiers in Computational Astrophysics: The origin of Stars, Planets and Galaxies”, an ESF PESC Exploratory Workshop, Wenger, Switzerland
Year: 2004
Atmospheric Pollution
Author: S. C. Kassinos
Publisher: Symposium, “One Environment for Europe”, Organized by the ETEK and UCY under the auspices of the auspices of the Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources and the Environment and the Ministry of Labour and Social Insurance, Cyprus
Year: 2004
Direct Numerical Simulation and Structure-Based Modeling of MHD Turbulence
Author: S. C. Kassinos
Publisher: Lecture at the Third School on the Fusion Physics and Technology, Organized by the Association EURATOM, University of Thessaly, Volos, Greece
Year: 2004
Efficient Large Eddy Simulations of Turbulent Flows in complicated geometries
Author: D.G.E. Grigoriadis
Publisher: “POH-2004” National Conference on Fluid Mechanics, NTUA, Athens, Greece
Year: 2004
Hydrodynamical Shear Instability in Accretion Disks?
Author: I. Mosqueira, S. C. Kassinos, K. Shariff, and J. N. Cuzzi
Publisher: 35th Annual Meeting of the Division for Planetary Sciences of the American Astrophysical Society, Monterey California, USA
Year: 2003
The effect of the second turbulence scale equation on the prediction of rotated homogeneous shear flows
Author: S. C. Kassinos, W. C. Reynolds, and C.A. Langer
Publisher: Bulletin of the American Physical Society, V-47, No. 10, p.29, Annual Meeting of the Division of Fluid Dynamics, Dallas, Texas, USA
Year: 2002
MHD turbulence in the presence of a strong magnetic field
Author: B. Knaepen, S. C. Kassinos and D. Carrati
Publisher: Bulletin of the American Physical Society, V-47, No. 10, p.109, Annual Meeting of the Division of Fluid Dynamics, Dallas, Texas, USA
Year: 2002
Efficient Large Eddy Simulations of Turbulent Flows using the immersed boundary concept
Author: D.G.E. Grigoriadis, J. Bartzis, A. Goulas
Publisher: IUTAM Symposium on Unsteady Separated Flows., Toulouse, France
Year: 2002
Structure-based modeling for homogeneous MHD turbulence at low magnetic Reynolds numbers
Author: S. C. Kassinos and W. C. Reynolds
Publisher: Bulletin of the American Physical Society, V-46, No. 10, p. 104, Annual Meeting of the Division of Fluid Dynamics, San Diego, California, USA
Year: 2001
Structure and scales in turbulence modeling
Author: Bulletin of the American Physical Society, V-46, No. 10, p. 104, Annual Meeting of the Division of Fluid Dynamics, San Diego, California, USA
Publisher: 35th Annual Meeting of the Division for Planetary Sciences of the American Astrophysical Society, Monterey California, USA
Year: 2001
Modelling of concentration fluctuations
Author: S. Andronopoulos, D. Grigoriadis, A. Robins, A. Venetsanos, S. Rafailidis and J.G. Bartzis
Publisher: 7th International Conference on Harmonisation within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes. Organised by European Joint Research Centre JRC-EI, Belgirate, Italy
Year: 2001
A closed form solution for the rapid shear of homogeneous turbulence in a rotating frame with and without stratification
Author: S. C. Kassinos
Publisher: Bulletin of the American Physical Society, V-45, No. 9, p. 159, Annual Meeting of the Division of Fluid Dynamics, Washington D.C., USA
Year: 2000
Simulation of a turbulent pipe flow with the structure-based model
Author: S. V. Poroseva, S. C. Kassinos, C. A. Langer, and W. C. Reynolds
Publisher: Bulletin of the American Physical Society, V-45, No. 9, p. 60, Annual Meeting of the Division of Fluid Dynamics, Washington D.C., USA
Year: 2000
A new one-point structure-based model including stropholysis effects
Author: S. C. Kassinos, C. A. Langer, S. Haire and W. C. Reynolds
Publisher: Bulletin of the American Physical Society, V-43, No. 9, p. 2041, Annual meeting of the Division of Fluid Dynamics, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Year: 1998
Structure-based turbulence modeling”, Mini-Symposium on “Some Problems in Turbulence
Author: W. C. Reynolds and S. C. Kassinos
Publisher: 19th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Applied and Industrial Mathematics Society/Société Canadienne de Mathématiques Appliquées et Industrielles, 13th Canadian Symposium on Fluid Dynamics, Simon Fraser Univ. at Harbour Centre, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Year: 1998
A particle representation model for deformations of homogeneous turbulence
Author: C. A. Langer, S. C. Kassinos and W. C. Reynolds
Publisher: Bulletin of the American Physical Society, V-42, No. 11, p. 2209, Annual Meeting of the Division of Fluid Dynamics, San Francisco, California, USA
Year: 1997
One-point stress-dimensionality model for deformations of homogeneous turbulence
Author: S. L. Haire, W. C. Reynolds and S. C. Kassinos
Publisher: Bulletin of the American Physical Society, V-42, No. 11, p. 2210, Annual Meeting of the Division of Fluid Dynamics, San Francisco, California, USA
Year: 1997
Towards a structure-based turbulence model
Author: W. C. Reynolds and S. C. Kassinos
Publisher: Keynote lecture, ICASE/LaRC/AFSOR Symposium on Modeling Complex Turbulent Flows, Virginia, USA
Year: 1997
A study of the turbulent structure tensors using DNS databases
Author: S. C. Kassinos and W. C. Reynolds
Publisher: Bulletin of the American Physical Society, V-40, No. 12, p.2013, Annual Meeting of the Division of Fluid Dynamics, Irvine, California, USA
Year: 1995
A simplified one-point structure-based turbulence model
Author: W. C. Reynolds and S. C. Kassinos
Publisher: Bulletin of the American Physical Society, V-40, No. 12, p.2012, Annual Meeting of the Division of Fluid Dynamics, Irvine, California, USA
Year: 1995
A particle representation model for rapid distortion analysis of homogeneous turbulence
Author: W. C. Reynolds and S. C. Kassinos
Publisher: Bulletin of the American Physical Society, V-39, No. 9, p.1953, Annual Meeting of the Division of Fluid Dynamics, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Year: 1994
A one-point structure-based model for the RDT of homogeneous turbulence
Author: S. C. Kassinos and W. C. Reynolds
Publisher: Bulletin of the American Physical Society, V-39, No. 9, p.1954, Annual Meeting of the Division of Fluid Dynamics, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Year: 1994
A decomposition of the rapid pressure strain rate term
Author: S. C. Kassinos and W. C. Reynolds
Publisher: Bulletin of the American Physical Society, V-38, No. 12, p. 2232, Annual Meeting of the Division of Fluid Dynamics, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA
Year: 1993
Rapid rotation of initially axisymmetric turbulence
Author: S. C. Kassinos and W. C. Reynolds
Publisher: Bulletin of the American Physical Society, V-37, No. 8, p.1703, Annual Meeting of the Division of Fluid Dynamics
Year: 1992