Simulation and Pharmaceutical Technologies for Advanced Patient-Tailored Inhaled Medicines
SimInhale project is under the auspices of the EU COST Office
The COST Action MP1404 – SimInahle has its own home at:
As a result of the culmination of several scientific and technological developments, we are on the verge of technological breakthroughs in the field of inhaled medicines that will revolutionize the treatment of many acute or chronic respiratory and systemic illnesses. However, knowledge in the field is vertically fragmented and compartmentalized in disciplines.
As a result, current developments are not necessarily synergistic and supportive of each other. The prospect of patient- tailored inhaled medicines necessitates a much closer coordination of research and development activities. Simlnhale aims to create a pan-European network of experts in order to:
i) advance particle designs for improved deposition and interaction with lung tissue,
ii) promote realistic computer simulations of particle aerosolization, delivery and deposition,
iii) promote patient- tailored inhaled medicines,
iv) promote integration of device and formulation design, and
v) promote critical assessment of toxicity issues and related risks.
Making a new generation of advanced inhaled pharmaceuticals available to patients in a shorter period of time will have enormous social benefits. It will also have significant economic benefits, since it will advance pharmaceuticals with higher effectiveness and fewer side effects, thus reducing health care costs in the long run, and will help sustain innovation in the industry of inhaled pharmaceuticals and inhaler devices.
Animation and simulation of airflow and particle tracking in the human lungs.