SediTrans Project

Sediment transport in fluvial, Estuarine and coastal environment


SEDITRANS project is under the 
EU Seventh Framework Programme (Marie Curie Action)


Sediment transport in the fluvial, estuarine and coastal environment causes significant morphological changes and results in the amplification of floods, storm surges and other inundation hazards. This increases considerably the risk of failure of structures, disruption of function of networks (water, energy), destruction of ecosystems and natural resources, as well as property and human loss. The impact of sediment transport is expected to be incremented due to climate change. The Network consists of six academic and four industrial partners and provides an elaborate and interdisciplinary training-through-research program to 12 early stage and 4 experienced researchers. It includes a comprehensive academic program, secondments at industrial partners, workshops, winter and summer schools, thematic conferences, production of guidelines and complementary activities. The proposed research focuses on: i) modeling and algorithm development for sediment transport in river and coastal flows and for inland and offshore turbidity currents or debris flows, and ii) experiments and simulations of sediment transport in river and coastal flows, and sediment-laden density underflows in reservoirs and submarine canyons. The experiments will allow for crucial phenomenological advances in the conceptual models upon which simulation tools are built. The latter, compatible with high performance computing, will be explored jointly by academic an industrial partners in real engineering applications during and after the duration of the project.


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