Deep Lung Project Details

In silico methods can be used to estimate regional deposition of inhaled aerosols in regions of the lung that are inaccessible by direct measurements. Knowledge of deposited dose is important for assessing the efficacy of inhaled pharmaceutical aerosols or the impact from exposure to environmental pollutants. Although patient-specific geometries of the upper airways are widely used nowadays, insufficient imaging resolution precludes the reconstruction of 3D models of the deeper lung generations. In this project, a 3D model of the deep lung isdeveloped in order to examine the effects of breathing profile and breathhold on deposition in the deep airways. Current findings indicate that the breathing maneuver can be used to target different deposition sites in the deep lung: deep inhalation followed by breathhold should be employed to achieve higher deposition in the respiratory region, whereas quiet inhalation followed by breathhold is recommended when targeting the deep conducting airways.