Airflow in the Central Airways
Over the last decade, there has been an explosion of publications presenting CFPD results for airflow and aerosol deposition in the lungs. However, the level of rigor and the quality of numerics and grids varies significantly among these studies. UCY-CompSci was an early advocate for the need to establish well-documented open-access benchmark cases for validation of the various CFPD tools being used by groups around the world for pulmonary aerosol deposition studies. To help establish well-documented standards, UCY-CompSci in collaboration with the Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg carried out a careful in vitro – in silico study of airflow in the extrathoracic and upper tracheobronchial tree. The case is openly available as part of the “SimInhale” Benchmark case on the ERCOFTAC Knowledge Base Wiki.